Welcome to another glorious….wait, it’s raining outside.
OK, welcome to Tuesday. Glory levels may vary by location.
From the Dispatch, we have their (brief) take on the new deals for Dalton Smith and Ryan Russell.
Over in Anaheim, Randy Carlyle was given a three year extension, while Ducks GM Bob Murray provided some updates on Jonas Hiller and Teemu Selanne.
Over at TMM, Jeff takes some time to discuss the value of goaltending, and the strange enigma of how goalies paid for perceived value.
Speaking of perceived value, tough guy Dan Carcillo was invited to speak to the media in Chicago, and apparently made a lot of new friends in Chi-town by bashing the Canucks.
Still trying to decide about Cannonfest? Fancy a Tweetup? If that doesn’t grab you, perhaps Greg over at FMJ can help close the deal.
The Predators are already working on replacing the waived Brett Lebda with a 2 way contract for Jack Hillen.
LTL has an update for Hockey Beats Down Cancer, and I can also announce that the Jacket Backers’ raffle at Cannonfest (including that handsome grand prize you saw above) will have its’ proceeds donated to the HBD fundraising efforts as well!
Another Guilty Pleasures with Sharks play by play man Randy Hahn.
Just in time to start your morning right, it’s the next piece of the Lifting The Shroud series at TMM, focusing on special teams.
On the other hand, maybe you just want to get up and move…