Usage of social media sites like Twitter continues to increase among professional athletes. The opportunity to connect, even for just 140 characters at a time, is greater than ever before. As we prepare for the upcoming season, it’s time to take a quick look at who is connecting with their fans and who’s worth following. All of these accounts have been confirmed by the team.
@GMScottHowson – Updates from the man himself. It’s worth noting that more than once he has tweeted news before it’s officially reported.
@RyanCBJPR – Blue Jackets Manager of Communications and all-around good guy.
@RyanJohansen19 – 2010 1st Round Pick Ryan Johansen
@Twigy15 – Agitator Extraordinaire Derek Dorsett
@CurtisSanford – Veteran Goalie Curtis Sanford
@cbjradio – Updates from George Matthews and Bob McElligott throughout the season
@jrimercbj – TV play-by-play Jeff Rimer
@bdavidge99 – TV color analyst Bill Davidge
@TheFalconsAHL – Springfield Falcons Official Twitter Account
@tvogelhuber – Trent Vogelhuber
@mathieutcorbeil – Mathieu Corbeil
@Drazzy1010 – Nick Drazenovic
Vote in the poll and if we get enough responses maybe we can get more players to join in on the fun!
Which Blue Jacket would you most like to see join Twitter?
Rick Nash | 23 |
Jeff Carter | 10 |
Antoine Vermette | 4 |
Jared Boll | 11 |
Kris Russell | 4 |
Grant Clitsome | 13 |
Other (name in comments) | 3 |